Manspeak: Is It a Real Thing? Is It Sexist?

Evan Yong

Videos of celebrity interviews on the show “Conan” are analyzed to see whether female guest interviews or male guest interviews have more authoritative language. In this study, authoritative language is broken down into three components: interruptions, commands, and hedging. Hedging occurs when a speaker is trying to convey uncertainty or ambiguity by using tag questions or phrases such as “kind of,” “sort of,” or “I guess.” For each and every interview, I count the number of times the celebrities and Conan interrupt each other, the number of times they give commands to each other, as well as the number of times they hedged their sentences. Results show that overall, there is more authoritative language used in Conan interviews with male celebrities than female celebrities. The male guest star interviews with Conan have more interruptions and commands as well as less hedging than the female guest star interviews. Men appear to be more “in competition” with other men, more so than with women. In today’s modern-day society, this is characterized by fighting over control of the floor to establish linguistic dominance in a conversation.

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1 thought on “Manspeak: Is It a Real Thing? Is It Sexist?”

  1. One cannot compare data gathered from Tweets, sent primarily by members of the general population speaking their mind, with data from interviews where the guest was a celebrity and the host was the same person each time. Those are two very different contexts, and the latter is far less generalisable.

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