heritage speakers

Is Instagram the New Duolingo? Investigating How Social Media Usage Affects Heritage Language Competence

Sarah Bassiry (Sky), Anna Harutyunyan, Akina Nishi, Jasmine Shao Diaspora communities and heritage language speakers are a very unique population when it comes to language and bilingualism. Heritage speakers vary greatly in their language skills, language background, and environment. As heritage speakers are generally exposed to their heritage language only at home or in other […]

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Is Instagram the New Duolingo? Investigating How Social Media Usage Affects Heritage Language Competence Read Post »

Impassioned Speech: ¿Lo has visto?

Nikki Lee, Kiara Mares, Jamie Seals, Ally Shirman In everyday conversations, bilingual speakers frequently code-switch between their languages. With our modern society, we can see this becoming prevalent in media during emotional scenes with bilingual characters; specifically in movies and TV shows. In this study, we investigated three different shows and movies with bilingual actors

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Impassioned Speech: ¿Lo has visto? Read Post »

El tema que hablamos de: Spanish Heritage Speakers and Language Maintenance in the U.S. and France

Ashley Ghodsian, Madeleine Kostant, Maxime Guerra, E Perez There are various classifications for bilingual speakers in the formal study of bilingualism. Among these are heritage speakers, who have acquired a minority language in the home prior to gaining dominance in their majority language of the society upon being exposed to it in the community and

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El tema que hablamos de: Spanish Heritage Speakers and Language Maintenance in the U.S. and France Read Post »

Do you Entiendes?

Roni Grushkevich, Iffet Dogan, Isaac Verdugo, Nandana Suresh The following research on receptive multilingualism seeks to observe if exposure to popular Spanish singing artists of various dialects impact Spanish heritage and non-Spanish heritage speakers’ ability to comprehend their song’s lyrics. 8 participants (4 native Spanish speakers, 2 romance language speakers, and 2 individuals who learned

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Language Proficiency and Cultural Identity of Korean Heritage Speakers

Griffin Gamble, Erin Kwak, Joanna Kwasek, and Hannah Shin A heritage language is defined as a minority language spoken at home that is not part of a dominant language in society. This study looked specifically into Korean heritage speakers living in the United States and investigated whether language proficiency in Korean will align with the

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Language Proficiency and Cultural Identity of Korean Heritage Speakers Read Post »

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