I’m Sorry! – The Language Behind YouTube Apologies and Cancel Culture

Jessica Chen, Jean Maynard, Naomi Muñoz, Daisy Terriquez

“I’m sorry, I’m taking accountability” is a phrase that may sound familiar to those who frequent the internet. This is referencing the category of YouTube videos known as the “apology video,” where, as the name suggests, influencers post videos of themselves apologizing for actions that caused them to be “canceled.” In this blog, we examine if these apology videos share any patterns in their word choice and behavioral manners and if certain key words and phrases contained in these videos have become recognizable to audiences and associated with this style of video. This study was conducted in two parts: (1) analyzing 10 different apology videos posted to YouTube to map the commonalities found in word choice and gestures and (2) a two-part survey to deduce if participants could identify apology videos based solely on a provided comment or phrase. With this entry, we hope our findings can further the understanding of internet language, as well as promote conversations of media literacy, social advocacy, and mental health surrounding internet spaces.

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