I’ll Make a Man Out of You: A Look at Asian American Male Interactions in a Competitive Game Setting

Anonymous Author

With the sudden increase in Asian representation in American media, more light has been shed on Asian culture and common stereotypes are slowly being dismissed. Nuances of Asian culture, specifically the Asian American experience have yet to be explored. Delving into such an experience reveals a historical portrayal of Asian men as often being weak and effeminate. Asian American men are subject to sociocultural expectations of gender roles dictated by a tradition of patriarchy. Masculinity, for many Asian American men is externally defined, and the strength of a male’s connection to his Asian American heritage may be indicative of the pressure he experiences to conform to such cultural expectations. This study examines male-male interactions involving Asian American men to look at how aggressive displays may inform the pressure caused by the desire to conform to sociocultural expectations that such men often experience. A transcription analysis was performed on recorded conversations between Asian American male friends during a competitive board game setting, to determine the frequency and type of both interruptions and profanity, and level of speaking volume during the interactions. Although there seems to be no direct relationship between an Asian American male’s perceived connectedness to his cultural identity and level of aggressiveness in his language use, this may indicate the likelihood of other contributing factors such as the desire for him to preserve in-group norms.

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