vocal pitch

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. You’re in Love with my Man? Guess my Voice Will Lower Too.

Kelly Eun, Isabelle Filen, Adeline Villarreal, Sylvia Le Engaging in conversation with the man you like may lead you to feel all sorts of emotions. Maybe your heart starts racing, you find yourself laughing at every little thing he says, or you possibly say things you wouldn’t normally say. These are all very common character […]

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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. You’re in Love with my Man? Guess my Voice Will Lower Too. Read Post »

Pitch Level of Female Characters in East Asian Media

Hannah Shin, Emily Matsuda, Cindy Xiaoxuan Wang The idea of femininity is often grounded to common elements such as being tender, sweet, and obedient (Lee et al., 2002). This study aimed to test the relationship between one’s level of pitch and the aforementioned characteristics– specifically the role of East Asian media in promoting gender stereotypes

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Beyond the Binary: Analyzing Vocal Pitch of Non-Binary Celebrities

Megan Fu, Rowan Konstanzer, Erin Kwak, and Kimberly Gaona Examining the speech of nonbinary individuals allows a better understanding of how different speech acoustic features such as vocal pitch, quality, and tempo are used to help construct gender identity. By investigating the speech acoustic features of non-binary celebrities, this study investigates whether coming out would

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The Language of Good and Evil in the Disney Universe

Wendy Barenque, Maria Martignano Cassol, Kelli Sakaguchi, Sophia Siqueiros, Ellis Song Every year Disney and Pixar release blockbuster hits watched by millions of children. Disney and Pixar characters have a huge impact on how children learn to view people in real life through the use of regional and foreign accents categorizing intrinsic “goodness” or “badness”

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