
Generational Speak: Investigating Sibling Language Dynamics in Spanish-Speaking Californian Families

Why are younger siblings more likely to be excused for their lack of native language proficiency — and in turn, older siblings expected to be fluent? Following this common perception of bilingual speakers, our group hypothesized that in second-generation, Spanish-speaking households, older siblings would be less likely to produce speech errors and instances of code-switching […]

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Phonological Variation and Identity in L.A. Spanish: The Case of /s/ Debuccalization

Brian Cifuentes, Nicholas Guymon, Jafarri Nocentelli, Amanda T. In this study, we investigate how native speakers of Puerto Rican, Guatemalan, and Mexican dialects of Spanish use /s/ debuccalization, a phonological process which targets /s/ in the coda position and yields either [h] or [∅] through complete deletion, to signal informal speech in Los Angeles. By

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Phonological Variation and Identity in L.A. Spanish: The Case of /s/ Debuccalization Read Post »

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