“I’m Sorry”: A comparative study of gender and individual differences in applying apology strategies in YouTube videos

Kristin Nguyen, Luxuan Huang, Vanessa Zhu, Andrea Mata, Shiyun Zhou

In recent years apology videos have become a very popular tactic used by social media influencers in efforts to help restore their online image. This study will compare and contrast the apology strategies used in 3 male and 3 female YouTuber apology videos by investigating the types of linguistic features that are found in both genders.  Moreover, we will further explore how the specific apology strategies being used influence the perception that their audiences/supporters have towards these specific Youtubers based on the comment section. The results showed that male Youtubers are more likely to use the “acknowledgement of responsibility” and “promise of forbearance” approach when apologizing while females are more likely to use the “explicit expression of apology” and explanation or account” strategy. Interestingly enough, the videos with the most positive responses came from 2 male and 1 female YouTuber which suggests that, according to their data set, there is a pattern in certain apology strategies that are more effective than others.

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