“El niño hits la pelota”: Syntactic Language Transfer in Spanish-English Bilinguals

Leslie Cheng, Madeline Netto, Grace Yao

This study explores the extent of which language transfer affects Spanish L2 learners, Spanish heritage speakers, as well as Spanish-dominant speakers. Previous research shows that Spanish L2 learners differed in their reliance on English when interpreting Spanish depending on their fluency, showing various levels of syntactic transfer. We wanted to expand this to Spanish heritage speakers and Spanish-dominant speakers as well. We found that SVO was the most commonly produced sentence structure, as well as the only produced transitive sentence word order, across all three groups, and that VSO and VOS were not preferred across all three groups. Our results suggest that the canonical SVO word order is the most natural and unmarked for all Spanish speakers, while syntactic transfer or language contact may have affected the acceptability of non-SVO sentences.

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